A half-millennium record of disturbance history in the Bohemian Forest
TRACE 2024 - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology
Brašov, Rumunsko, 2024
Drivers of wind mortality associated with severe windstorms in primeval mountain forest
Research actualities in Bohemian Forest VII
Bayerisch Eisenstein, Německo, 2021
Soil fungal community composition in natural Picea abies mountain forest stand with different recovery time since the last historical disturbance
Biogeomon 2017, 9th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour
Litomyšl, Česko, 2017
Biogeomorphic and pedogenic impact of trees in three soil regions
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017
Vídeň, Rakousko, 2017
Biomechanical effects of trees in a mountain temperate forest
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017
Vídeň, Rakousko, 2017
Zdroje komplexity půd Boubínského pralesa
17. pedologické dny
Dešné v Orlických horách, Česká republika, 2015
Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. in central European alluvial hardwood forests over 40 years. Can it survive in the absence of flood disturbances?
Forest landscape mosaics: disturbance, restoration and management at times of global change.
Tartu, Estonia, 2014
The role of tree uprooting dynamics on the dynamics of Fe (Mn, Al and Si) forms in different forest soils
In: Abstract B31C-0397 presented at AGU Fall Meeting
San Francisco, USA, 2013
Pozůstatek lesa z přelomu glaciálu a holocénu: dendrochronologická a paleobotanická rekonstrukce
Konference České botanické společnosti
Praha, 2013
Transformation of iron forms during soil formation after treeuprooting in a natural beech-dominated forest
Biogeomon 2012, 7th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour.
University of Maine, USA
Can we define historical range of variability in temperate mountain spruce forests of CentralEurope: Disturbance dynamics in primary montane Picea abies forests of the CentralCarpathians, Romania
Forum Carpaticum, Slovakia, 2012
The role of tree uprooting in cambisol development
Forum Carpaticum: Integrating Nature and Society Towards Sustainability
Kraków, Polsko, 2010
Soil variability through spatial scales in a permanentlydisturbed natural spruce-fir-beech forest
Nové trendy v diagnostike, kasifikácii a mapování pod. 2. konferencia Slovenskej a Českej pedologickej spoločnosti
Rožňava, Slovensko, 2010
Local variability of stand structural features in beech dominated natural forests of Central Europe: implications for sampling
RIFOR 2010: Northern Primeval Forests - Ecology, Conservation and Management.
Sundsvall, Sweden, 2010
Atmospheric deposition, soil and soil water chemistry in primeval forests in the Transcarpatian Mts., the western Ukraine
Biogeomon 2009, 6th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour.
Helsinki, Finland, 2009
The Speed and the Volume of Tree Biomass Rotation in Natural Temperate Forest
Long-term Ecosystem Research: Understanding the present to shape the future
Zurich, Switzerland, 2009
Changes of Al and Fe Forms in the scope of pedogenic processes in naturally developing fir-beech forest
The Natural History of Aluminium: From Non-Selection to Natural Selection
The 8th Keele Meeting of Aluminium
Forest naturalness assessment in the Czech Republic and its using in policy and management
International Conference "Old Forests, New Management"
Hobart, Australia, 2008
Specifika vývoje humusu na vývratech jedlobukového (pra)lesa
Pedologická konference
Rožnov p.R., 2007
Role vývratů ve vývoji jedlobukového pralesa ve flyšovém pásmu Karpat
Seminář Geobiocenolgie a její aplikace
Křtiny, 2006